Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday night...

I'm at home tonight, with John out to watch a band with his friend Wes (visiting from Winnipeg). I'm just hoping Landon konks out soon ... he's been going to sleep ~11 pm the past few days :-/ But he's been napping nicer, 2 * 1.5 hours (which I guess is why he's going to bed later ... he needs less sleep overnight). I do like the downtime during the day, and we're just going to get him up earlier to get him to sleep earlier, if possible. I still put him in the crib, he just plays in there until he's tired, then he cries for ~ 5 minutes and goes to sleep for the night. Monkey!!
He wasn't all that happy in swimming lessons today either. He would hardly let go of me ... much different from aquasize earlier in the week. I made sure we got there a bit earlier, so we had extra time to change (he was good in the change room this time though). But when we got in the water he wasn't thrilled. He was good for about 3 minutes, until we got his head wet, then he was not impressed at all. *shrug* I think he was likely colder than usual having his head wet like that. But he did love the hottub afterwards (as did I).

Other than that, life has been somewhat mundane. Wes is visiting until Wed, so it's nice to have some company again. We really haven't been doing much - just enjoying nice naps, and then waiting for Landon to go to sleep at night! LOL But he is sleeping well all night long in the crib, so that's a bonus :-/ We'll get this napping thing straightened out as well I think ... but he is most definitely in a better mood now that he's napping better. And he doesn't look nearly as tired as he did when he was wearing the Champion outfit (see pics in previous post)!

So that's the news this Saturday night ... sorry so boring, but that's the way we are these days! LOL Will post again soon...TK

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