Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Well, we have all survived the ringing in of the New Year ... if just barely. We spent the evening at home with Grandpa and Grandma Keller and cousin Brian. We ate a beautiful dinner of lobster, scallops, oysters, and escargot-stuffed mushrooms - YUM. and we celebrated into the mid-morning - yup ... I think I made it to bed by 6 am, just after Grandma and Grandpa, and Brian and John came sometime after that!! That's the most partying I've done in MONTHS!! LOL Luckily I hadn't started drinking until after Landon went to sleep, so I was able to function relatively normally yesterday :-/

So now our house is quiet again. John is back to work and our company has gone on to complete their vacations (Grandpa and Grandma are skiing, Brian back to Winnipeg). It's peaceful, and a bit depressing ... you know that 'post-party' depression that hits in January ... the holidays are over, real life is starting back up again. *sigh* But it was a wonderful Christmas season, we were able to visit with so many friends and family!!

I will post some pics soon, but for now I'm going to relax and watch tv while Landon naps. I will post again soon though! Take care...TK

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