Sunday, January 07, 2007

E-Bay has captured me!

Well, Ebay has its grip firmly planted around my wallet these days ... LOL I'm perusing for 12 - 18 month clothes for Landon. I can't help it - I love it! As terrible as that is!! But I've managed to hold off so far, just some sleepers (which he definitely needs ... his feet are going to burst through the bottom of the ones he has right now! The only one that truly fits is the one from Grandma for Christmas!!). I am checking out clothes though too, as he's growing out of what we've got. I don't need too much, as Aunty Liz keeps us pretty well clothed as well. But I want to get a few 'new' things for him too. What I like the best is being able to buy the brand name stuff for 'cheap' -- Baby Gap, Gymboree, The Children's Place, etc. *sigh* So I just keep on shopping!

Well, we're starting to try the transition to the crib...aiaiaii. Poor Landon, last night he was 'awake' for almost an hour ... just to get himself rolled over from his side to his back and then to get comfortable. He wasn't really awake, but awake enough that he yawned when I was in there, so that tells me he's not getting the most restful of sleep. He slept in until 10 am too, without a peep (so did John and I, we went to sleep about 2 after watching Landon moan and groan, and I don't think either of us moved until 10 am!!). So he 'slept' for 12 hours, but I don't know how much of that was solid sleep. He woke up at least once crying hard for about 3 or 4 minutes, then had the 1 hour shuffle-fest at 1 am. Poor monkey.
sooooooo ..... he didn't nurse to drowsiness like usual for this first nap (likely because he slept so late), so I put him in his crib. He was content for about 20 minutes, then he cried cried cried (likely when he got tired, and he was wondering where we were and why wasn't he in his bed). I went in and held him until he fell asleep, then put him in his crib. That was 5 minutes ago ... we'll see how it goes. The good thing is that it's a late nap, so if it lasts only 45 minutes that's good - we can almost sort of get back on 'schedule' for today then :-/

So please send us good 'transitioning to the crib' thoughts ... I hope this goes somewhat smoothly, but I fear it won't. I'm sure he'll love his newfound freedom (having very little room to move in the Amby), but I do think he'll be waking up in the night because of it as well ... it'll be disorienting. I'm thinking it'll be like us all of a sudden sleeping on a mattress the size of our living room - all that space may be disconcerting. But then again, maybe he'll adjust quite quickly and well, appreciating that he can roll around a bit. *shrug* Only time will tell

It's WINDY again here ... aiaiaiaiai I think the windows might get sucked right out of the house. My good Gawd. The sky is filled with dirt too - yuck! Welcome to Calgary -- no snow, but wind, wind, wind!!

Will chat soon ... update everyone on the crib transition! Take care...TK

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