Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Swimming today!!

Today Landon and I went swimming. It was my first baby and me aquasize class. At first Landon really didn't like it ... he certainly wouldn't get in the little floaty boats that they had. He didn't even want to be in the water, which surprised me. But we got in the water with no real crying, and as long as he could hang on to me super-tight he was okay. He did gradually get used to the water though, and after about 20 minutes I was able to put him in a boat (as long as I stayed very close). After a few more minutes I was able to have him floating through the 'river' (a circular part of the pool with a current) with me swimming along behind. I won't say he was overly thrilled, but at least he wasn't scared any longer :-) After the class we went in the hottub - Landon sitting on the edge. He warmed up and was the Landon I expected ... smiling and splashing. Cute little bugger. A cracker in the change-room and he was happy as can be. Then he had a nice 2 hour snooze when we got home LOL
But that was the only snooze today ... he wouldn't stay down for his second nap. I nursed him until he was asleep, but when I put him in the crib he woke up again. I just left him in there to see if he'd calm down, but no way! He played, happily, in there for about an hour. Then I went and pulled him out. He hasn't been the happiest kid tonight, he's pretty sleepy. I think I'm going to put him to bed right shortly - which likely means he'll be up early tomorrow :-/ But that's the way it'll be I guess. I was thinking I might put him into his crib tonight, but now I think I'll just go back to the Amby - I don't want him thinking this is just a very late second nap!! LOL Maybe tomorrow I'll find the courage to try the crib at night.

The aquasize class itself was fine. I'm glad I'm signed up - it's good to get out and do some physical activity! Plus I met some other moms there too, so it'll be nice to finally meet some people in the area. I'm looking forward to Landon's swimming lessons too - Saturday mornings :-)

Landon's still dancing a lot too - it's adorable. He's even dancing when his dumptruck plays a song. Too cute!!

That's the news from here. Oh yeah - and my first auction on ebay has been successful. It ends in about 1.5 hours, and I have a bid so I know for sure it's going to sell. I don't know if there'll be more bids to get the price higher, but at least I have one :-)

Talk to you soon...take care!! TK

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