Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dancing Landon :-)

Well, it looks like Landon's love of music is turning into a dancing phenomenon. The little stinker has started dancing. Right now that means he's bending his legs and giggling. It is hilarious to watch. He likes to dance to John's guitar playing, especially to Pride and Joy. And he was dancing when I was playing piano today, and he danced to some songs on the tv too. Just a-dancing around the house :-)

Plus Landon learned to open cupboard doors today. Specifically the doors under the sink. He stood up, grabbed the handles, and then you should've seen his eyes! LOL He was immediately going for the dish soap, so I had to put some cupboard 'locks' on there. I'm just waiting for him to discover that the drawers open. It may take him awhile longer though, as the 'knobs' are hard to grab - even I have trouble grabbing them at times. So we may get a bit longer of a reprieve there.

I let Landon 'explore' the tupperware drawer this afternoon. He found two plastic glasses, and they were very interesting. He sat on the floor tilting them up as if trying to drink from them, then he'd look inside like "where's the juice?". When that got boring he threw them around the floor and chased them until he got bored.

He did well crib-napping today. He kind of woke up both times I laid him down, he sighed, looked around, smacked his lips and went to sleep. Nice 1.5 hour naps. The first nap he was sitting up playing when I went to check on him. The second one he was just stirring when we went in there. But at least he's pretty used to waking up in his crib, and he's not protesting when I put him down in there. I've put him in the Amby for nighttime still though ... I'll have to try the crib soon I know, but he's been pretty good in the Amby the past couple of nights. Tonight he wasn't asleep when I put him down, so it was definitely Amby time. He was quiet in there, I heard him bounce about 15 minutes after I put him down and nothing since. I don't think he would've gotten himself to sleep in the crib yet. Maybe in a couple of days we'll try.

Now if I could just get him to stop biting ...

Until next time...TK

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