Wednesday, January 17, 2007

short crib-napping...

Well, in the time it's taken to post some pics, Landon has woken up again. A very short crib-nap today :-/ I don't know if that's good or bad. He only napped for 45 minutes.... I'm going to leave him in there for awhile, see if he'll get back to sleep again. He's not upset or anything. I can hear him playing with the aquarium-music toy, and he must be swinging his soother around because I can hear some clacking. *shrug* I was hoping he'd have a nice 1.5 hour nap ... but I guess not.
I think the worst part about getting this crib-napping thing going is the unsurity. I'm unsure ... does he want / need one nap or two? Are the length of his naps changing because they are changing, or because he's in his crib? Should I be working harder to get two naps in / or longer naps in? *shrug* Frustrating ... it seems to be that just when I think I've gotten something figured out, Landon changes it up again (yes, I was forewarned that life would be this way). It's this perpetual state of 'should I?' that annoys the snot out of me!! lol

Ah well ... we'll see what comes our way this afternoon....
hope you enjoyed the pictures! TK

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