Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday night update...

Not much news for this week ... it's been so nice and quiet :-) Landon has been good, except now he's moaning and groaning so much all night long. I don't think he's actually waking right up, but he sure is making noises, grunting, crying out, moaning. Last night I went in to see what was what, worried that perhaps he was feverish or something. It looked like he just wants to roll over. *shrug* So the big move from the Amby bed to crib is looming on the horizon I fear...I don't look forward to that move - I think the ability to bounce the Amby has been very calming for Landon all this time, and without that I'm not sure how well he'll get himself back to sleep at night. I guess we'll just have to try it - and let him cry for a few nights. It's not like he doesn't cry when he goes to bed now ... he does, usually for 10 - 20 minutes and I don't know why!! Maybe he doesn't like the Amby anymore and that's why he's crying :-/ I'm just afraid of having to get up with him in the night if he's in his crib ... But we won't know until we try I guess, and he is getting pretty big for the Amby. *sigh* My little baby is turning into a toddler, fast!

Other than that, life is quiet. I've been shopping ebay again ... heaven help us. It's fun, although I find I have less time to peruse than I used to when Landon was an itty-bitty baby asleep in the sling on me. I guess that's because when he's sleeping I'm trying to get other things done, and when he's awake I'm busy with him.

It's been fun though - I've been showing him how to play with all of his new toys from Christmas. He's starting to get the hang of pushing the dumptruck around (versus just playing with the tires) ... and I think he'll soon be pushing it around to help him be mobile on his feet. But the most fun he has by far is with the blocks from Uncle Greg, Aunty Yvonne, and Kyle. John or I will build them up, and he makes a beeline for the blocks to knock them all down. He can be across the room playing with something, I'll call out "Landon - look what mommy's made!" and he scampers across that floor and SMASH! All the blocks come down! LOL Priceless!! Then he'll sit amongst the blocks throwing them aside, raking through them, giggling and laughing. They are just the most exciting thing in his life this week, that's for sure!!

It's been windy, so Landon and I haven't gone out much. Maybe next week will be nicer. Who knows ... it is January after all!! LOL I'm going to sign us up for swimming lessons, they start the week after next, and a 'baby-and-me' aquasize class too, so I can try to work off some turkey (and nuts, and tarts, and cookies, and chocolates ... *sigh*). I'm looking forward to that.

So that's the 'not much news' post for today. Hope all is well wherever you are .... and I hope all our friends back in Winnipeg have managed to shovel their way out by now :-P Will post again soon...TK

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