Friday, January 19, 2007

well well well...

Landon sure loves to dance ... he's been a dancing machine all over the place this last week or so. It's great fun to watch. Now he's starting to dance with us too, giving me some much-needed dancing practise!! LOL
He is very busy these days. He goes around and around the living room, from the window to the tv to the fireplace, piano bench, loveseat, sofa, table, window, tv, etc... Too funny. When he gets bored downstairs he likes to play in his room too. And when he gets a bit tired, he's loving to 'read' books. You know he has a book because he's sitting there groaning as he turns pages :-/ What a goof. He's liking when I read him stories a lot more now too, especially Brown Bear, Brown Bear -- because I make the sounds of all of the animals in the book too. Cats and dogs make funny sounds according to Landon!

On the sleeping front - I think he is down to one nap a day ... for now. We'll see. Yesterday he had two naps, only because I nursed him down for the second one which was only 30 minutes long. Then he wouldn't / couldn't get to sleep until after 11 last night :-/ So today I let him play until he went to sleep (on his own, in the crib, on his tummy - now that's a first!!). It's been about 45 minutes, we'll see if he wakes up or stays sleeping. It seems to be the last few days if he has a short first nap, he wants / needs a short second nap and can still go to bed well. If he has a longer first nap (1.5 - 2 hours), then he doesn't need the second nap. I think I'll like that ... I like the idea that when he gets up from this nap I won't have to worry about the next nap and being home and yada-yada-yada. We can go shopping, make dinner, etc, and he'll be fine. Plus - his bedtime will likely move up some more, which is good news too!! The other day when he had only one nap, he went to bed at 9 and slept until 9! So that would be cool.

I'm excited to finally be getting a haircut tomorrow. How sad is that? aiaiiaai It's been so long though, and my hair's driving me bonkers in this dry climate ... it's all dry and frizzy. ick.

And Landon's swimming lessons start tomorrow morning. We'll see if he likes swimming a bit better tomorrow morning! I'm off to buy him some swim trunks / diapers this afternoon. Hopefully I can hold myself back and not buy a whole pile of stuff :-/ But if I do, so be it! LOL

That's the news for today...will post again soon!! TK

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