Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Today would've been...

Hard to believe, but if I were going back to work, today would've been my first day! Holy cow!! John took 8 weeks parental leave last May / June, so I would've been heading back now, with Landon only 10 months old. So today I am very thankful that I am able to stay at home with the little munchkin!! I cannot imagine getting up, getting Landon up, getting us both ready for work, dropping him off somewhere and then working all day long! aiaiaiai Only to come home to feed us, get us ready for bed, and go to bed again. This is much more relaxing, if not monotonous :-P

Big storms across the prairies. It's very windy here, and a bit of snow is / has fallen, so visibility is reduced. But nothing like Saskatoon I hear ... everyone must be having fun at the Crop Production Show! Dad's up there, so hopefully he's hunkered down somewhere safe and warm, with some beer, cards, and friends I'm sure! LOL

Landon has had a much better day today. Yesterday was crazy - he didn't have his first nap until after 1, 45 minutes only. Then the next one was about 30 minutes long at 5 pm. He woke up and was crying crying crying from that nap :-( Poor monkey. Last night he went to sleep fairly well at ~10 pm, up today at 9:10 am, so that was a good sleep. Still lots of moaning, groaning etc overnight.
I was reading in Ferber's book that this is quite normal, it is part of the transition from deeper to lighter sleep, and that some kids (even up to adolescence and into adulthood sometimes) take the transition a bit rougher. The most severe cases are night terrors ... let's hope Landon's doesn't progress to that. But in any case, the groaning, crying out, etc are just what he does during his transitions, and it actually doesn't disturb his sleep at all (or so Ferber claims). That means that it may not disappear when we get him transitioned to his crib ... But we're started down that path now, we'll see how it goes anyways.
He's napping in his crib right now -- his first nap was normal, 11:15 - 12:45, and this nap started a bit early but he went down ok. He was tired and ready for his nap, so I just went with it. Since it's a miserable windy day out, what else are we gonna do but snooze :-)

That's the news from windy cold Calgary. I hope all of my prairie friends are staying warm tonight ... take care!! TK

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