Saturday, January 27, 2007

oh yeah, one interesting new trick...

Landon has discovered, during his hour long play-time before finally going to sleep at night, that if he lays down right underneath the aquarium-music-thingy in his crib, he can then use his legs to lift the aquarium up, and then it can drop back down, and make one helluva racket! ALOT of racket!! Little monkey. So I went in and put a blanket under the straps that hold the aquarium to the side of the crib - I hope he doesn't figure out how to pull that out - so at least when he lifts it the 1/2" or so that he still can, it won't make as much noise when it comes back down. So maybe if it's less noisy, he'll do it less!

Another trick - 'driving' the chairs all over the kitchen. Landon can now take the dining chairs and manouvre them however he likes around the kitchen, while walking. He can pull them backwards, push them forwards, turn corners, whatever his little heart desires. Can make it tough when we're trying to sit on the chairs and he wants us to get up so he can move them! LOL I've been trying to get him to use his push toy - bought for just such activities - but the kitchen chairs are way more fun. Likely because they make TONS of noise too!

So that's the monkey-antics update. Til next time...TK

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