Monday, January 08, 2007

crib sleeping update...

Well, Landon had both naps in his crib yesterday, although they were each only 45 minutes long. Last night we put him back in the Amby for overnight, as he'd gotten only half his usual day-time sleep (1.5 hours vs 3), and I didn't want him to lose any more sleep last night. He slept pretty well in the Amby - I did hear him grunting in the night, but he seems to have figured out how to turn over onto his side now, and he doesn't bounce the hammock anymore like he used to (new spring has much less give, so maybe it's too much work and/or less enjoyable?).
So this morning I put him in his crib for his nap, and it's actually been longer than 45 minutes! That's a first (even when he 'crib-napped' in the summer it wasn't longer than 45 minutes). So maybe that's a good sign. He woke up slightly when I put him in there (after falling asleep nursing, a habit we've gotten into over the holidays...), but I put his puppy-blanket on his face and he went to sleep. That seems to be a key trick - blanket over the face. Whenever I check on him at night he has the blanket over his face ... it's not covering any other part of his body, just his face! Worrisome, yes, but I guess if he's survived it this long ... *shrug* I do take it off of his face when I go in there, but he puts it right back on again!! LOL

So maybe the crib-napping is getting better, or maybe he was just so tired this morning that he stayed right konked out ... I don't know. But I'm just glad that he's having a good nap.

And I think I've fulfilled my e-bay craving for awhile ... Landon will be getting some new clothes in upcoming weeks :-) Mosty 12 - 18 month clothes, so some may not fit yet. But he'll grow into them all soon enough I'm sure. I charted his weight and height last week ... he's 75th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight ... just like he's been since he was born!

That's the news for mid-day Monday! Will post soon ... take care! TK

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