Monday, January 08, 2007

Little stinker...

Landon also loves to get John's headphones so that he can chew on them! He is chewing on everything these days, we are waiting for the appearance of another tooth or three that we are sure are just under the surface. So if the bootstrings aren't around to chew on, Landon likes to go for the headphones!! LOL And he looks supercute in this outfit that Grandma and Grandpa bought for him too.
And if this isn't the face of a little stinker, I don't know what is! LOL He was bouncing up and down on the edge of the couch here, with that gleam in his eye that gives me shivers, hoping that he won't walk for another 6 months, but knowing it'll be much sooner than that. And then I'll never have the chance to sit down!!
Those are the pics for today. TK

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