Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What I like, what I don't like...

What I really like about Calgary is that fact that motorists stop for pedestrians. Not just every now and again, but all the time. It is something that has definitely stood out for me since we moved here. I've had cars stop to allow me to cross when I've been jay-walking for crying out loud!! Cars will stop and wait for me to cross when in actuality they would've had time to clear the intersection before I even started to cross.
Why is this so notable? Because it is so different than Winnipeg, where every time a person crossed the street they took their life in their hands - even when they crossed with the light because it's pretty much guaranteed that some Winnipeger is running that red!! So among all of the other things that I love about Calgary and about Alberta, I love that people let me cross the street unchallenged and unharmed!

What I don't like. When your former phone / internet / tv company (I won't name names, but I'm sure you can guess) continues to screw up your bills, month after month, and then the customer service reps for that company's "Customer Care" service lines are rude and incompetent. Not all of the reps, just one of the 3 I had to deal with today -- but a 33% result is not very favourable in the customer service line of things. [rant warning - I can't resist! - to skip right to Landon crib-sleeping update, please scroll down :-) ]
So not only were we charged for not returning equipment that we did in fact return (I had to call about this substantial error last month), but then they charged us 'late payment fees' on the amount that they weren't supposed to charge us in the first place!! Even though that erroneous amount is credited on that same bill. I call, get rep #1 (competent) and this gets cleared up (hopefully - we'll see next month). Next I'm transferred to the other department (because one rep cannot deal with two different product lines ... nooooo ... that'd be too simple!). After being on hold ~15 - 20 mins, I get rude, incompetent ninny on the line. When I state that I'm calling because I'm being charged for service A when in fact I have service B, she says "Well, you got a credit for $$$$$" (see above amount that shouldn't have been charged in the first place). Yes I did, but that has nothing to do with service A or B, so can I get this corrected? She puts me BACK IN THE QUEUE!!!! I wait another 35 minutes to get another rep (this one is pleasant and competent ... service A charges are reversed, service B instituted, I'm told the correct amount to pay for this bill -- Thank you - that's all I asked for!!

Why is it that I had to sit on the phone for over an hour to correct that company's errors? Not only did I sit on the phone for an hour - but I was treated rudely on top of it (again, only 1 of 3 reps was rude and incompetent, but that's the part of the call that will stick with me the longest).

The end result - everyone please check your bills, make sure you're not being screwed and over-charged!!

[end rant]

Other than that....it's just a day.

Landon crib-sleeping update
Landon napped very well in the crib yesterday, for both naps. I nursed him down, and he slept for 2 hours, and 1.5 hours. Those must've been incredible naps, because he would not go to sleep last night!! He was almost asleep, and I thought I'd try the crib again as it had gone so well all day. Mistake. He woke up again (this was at ~10:15). Finally I put him in the Amby to go to sleep -- it was ~11:30 by the time he finally quit bouncing and squawking in there. He wasn't crying, but he just couldn't get to sleep. Little stinker!!

He slept until 9:40 this morning, and then wouldn't go down for a nap ... until 1:15!! Usually he's napping by 11:30 for sure, 12:00 at the latest!! He napped for 45 minutes (in his crib, I held him to sleep, but no nursing this time). Now he's been up since 2 and is happily playing. I will hopefully get him down for his second nap soon. And hopefully he won't be up so darned late tonight.

Not sure what it is ... yesterday afternoon he was very clingy and whiny too ... I hope he isn't getting sick. Usually the first indication of Landon not being well is messed up naps. But I don't know for sure this time, because it may be that he's just messed up with this whole crib deal. *shrug* I guess we'll figure it out sooner or later ... and just roll with it for now!!

That's the (rant) news for today ... will post more when I'm in better spirits!! LOL Take care...TK

1 comment:

niknac said...

I think someone needs a nap. LOL Just kidding. Had to say it now that we're both moms.