Sunday, January 21, 2007

Crib update...

Landon slept all night in his crib again -- and last night was much, MUCH better :-) I put him to bed shortly after 9, he went to sleep likely by about 9:30. Slept until 8:50 this morning :-D YAYAY I was up about 52 times to check on him, but he was always fine. He moved all over the crib, slept on his back, side and tummy. He was even curled right up to his absolute favourite stuffed toy -- Scooter the dog :-) -- with his arm over Scooter, very cute.
So hopefully the ruckus the past few weeks has just been Landon telling us he was sick of the Amby, and more nights like last night are on their way.
We're back to a 2-a-day napping routine as well ... with the second nap being short, only 30 - 45 minutes, ~ 5 pm or so. That seems to be suiting him fine (for a couple of days anyways, we'll see if it continues), and I can live with it. At least he's in a better mood, and is still going to bed early enough. I can handle 9 or 9:30, no problem :-)

We had a pretty lazy Sunday. I slept late, thanks to John being up very early so he took Landon when he woke up. We took Landon for a sled ride, he's still pretty indifferent to the entire event. But we saw a puppy which made Landon giggle, and he went swinging at the park too which he also liked. What he liked the most about swinging was when I would grab his legs, then let him go again. I think we'll have lots of fun in the park this summer :-)

And we brought Landon's 'birthday gift' out of the basement for him to play with. It's an 'activity walker', so that maybe he'll quit pushing our chairs around to help him balance while he practises walking! He didn't use the walker to walk -- his balance isn't quite good enough to use it as it moves alot easier than the chairs -- but he enjoyed the activities.

That's the news from here today. I should give Landon some cereal and put him to bed shortly. Let's hope tonight's a good night too :-D Until next time...TK

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