Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday news...

There's really not too much news. I guess it's been a slow week *shrug*

Landon's doing well in the crib, he's full-time in there now, the amby has been washed and packed away (mixed emotions there ... I've come to love that bed, all the sleep it got us!). His naps are not completely routine like they were 6 weeks ago ... but I don't nurse him down as often anymore. Maybe a couple of times over the past week (?). There's 2 naps, the first one is starting to be the short one at 45 minutes, the second one alternating between 45 and 90 minutes, although the days he sleeps long on the second nap he has more trouble falling asleep at night :-/ Yesterday was one of those days ... he didn't get to sleep until after 11 pm, although he was in his crib from 9:45 on (pretty happily too, just couldn't get to sleep). I think he may do 2 * 45 minute naps coming up, and sleep better overnight. I can't really complain though - he's easy to deal with all day, and I like that he's sleeping ~12 hours at night!! LOL

Swimming yesterday went quite well. Landon still didn't like the change room when we got there, but he wasn't at all scared in the water. He went right into the 'boat' and enjoyed the entire time in the water. Which was nice as I actually got a work-out! He loved the hot-tub afterwards too, and in the change room getting ready to leave he was fine ... he even 'played' a bit (as much as he can play when I'm not letting him crawl around the wet floor!).

The weather has been INCREDIBLE!! John's in seventh-heaven with this weather. And it's so nice because the days are getting longer again. It actually feels like Winnipeg in spring today. Those days in April when it's finally warm enough to not wear a winter parka ... the snow's almost gone, just a bit where it was piled up beside the driveway or along the boulevard. The wind is not warm, but not cold either. And everything just smells like it's coming alive. What a great day - went for a nice long walk and really enjoyed it.

John's friend Wes is coming to visit this weekend, looking forward to seeing him. He and John will be checking out bands all over Calgary I'm sure :-P

That's the news from here today! Hope all is well with you :-) TK

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