Monday, January 15, 2007

Fun Sunday

Carla, Dave and the boys were here last night - it was fun. They had fun in Barbados, but were very much looking forward to getting home again (I can relate to that ... 2 weeks of chasing the kids around and I'd be ready to let them run wild at home again too!). It was nice to get a chance to visit with them though :-) And they keep telling me that Ryder is so bad, so he must pull out his good behaviour when he's here because we just don't find him that bad! lol

Crib napping has been going well. I haven't tried his crib at night again though. Not sure if I'll try tonight, or if I'll give it a few more days and try having him fall asleep on his own in the crib for a nap to get him more used to falling asleep in there. We'll have to see. He hasn't attempted to climb out of the Amby again, but it could happen any time so I'd like to get him into the crib full-time soon. Last night he was curled right up in the Amby on his side, it was cute. When we went to bed he was back laying on his back, and I think he stayed that way the rest of the night.

We are full-fledged Albertans now ... I got our cars insured and new plates today. So I guess it's official. Now if only our health cards would arrive....not sure what's taking those so long.

That's the news today ... not too much. I'm pretty tired tonight, so hopefully Landon goes down well, without too much fuss. Last night he was a bit fussy, but I think that's because he was so excited to have chased Jackson and Ryder around. It was pretty cute to watch him crawling after them ... he worked so hard to keep up to them!

Until next time ... TK

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