Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bad night ...

We had a bad night last night ... poor little stinker bug. He is getting a tooth up top, and it seems to be bothering him more than any other tooth that's come in. Add to that disturbed sleep, and aiaiaiai
The evening actually started off bad when I woke him early from his afternoon nap (vacuuming ... ooops!). So he had a short nap, and was a bit fussy during the evening. It worked out ok though as he went to sleep ~9:30, and I was excited to finally get to watch Capote. We heard Landon stir about 10:30 (as expected, he always stirs about 45 mins to 1 hour into his night, and several more times after that too!). We didn't think much of it, until about 15 minutes later (10:45) he started crying. We waited a couple of minutes to see if he'd calm down, but instead he wound himself right up. I went to check on him, and he had gotten himself half-way out of the Amby and was hanging there ... arms and head out, bum and legs in, screaming blue-bloody murder (I think the initial crying he was still pretty much asleep, but by the time I got there he was fully awake and very scared!). So I pulled him out of this predicament (it scared me a bit too actually ... thankfully he didn't fall all the way out!), and nursed him to calm down (he would not calm down at all otherwise). He was asleep so I put him in his crib - I thought this is as good a time as any to start the crib overnight, right? Wrong! He kind of woke up when I put him in there, but I thought I'd leave him to see what happened. He played for about 45 minutes (enough time for me to finish watching Capote ... heh heh), then started crying. I went in and he wound himself into hysterics again. Nursing again, he finally fell asleep about 12:20, I put him into his crib again. He woke up at 1:35 and was wound into hysterics even worse than before. He would not calm down at all ... I ended up bringing him into our bed, turning on the lights and with both John and I there he kind of calmed down. But when I took him back into his room he went bonkers again, so I ended up (you guessed it) nursing AGAIN!! My poor nipples are ready to fall off!! LOL When he finally fell asleep about 2:15, I put him back in his Amby and he then slept until shortly after 9 - thank goodness!!
BUT at 9:20, he was sitting up in his Amby, and he maybe would've been dumping himself out of there had I not walked into the room as soon as he sat up :-/

Soooooo .... now I definitely want to move him into his crib overnight. I can see that he was too scared and disoriented from the near-tumble out of the Amby and the disturbed sleep to be okay in the crib all night last night. He was sooooo scared at 1:30 ... poor kid, it was hard to watch him be like that. I've never seen him cry like that ever, not even with the ear infection :-( Turning on the light hurt his eyes I think, but we had to wake him up fully so that he could orient himself, holding him wouldn't do it and he wouldn't even calm down enough to nurse before that! *sigh*

the first nap in the crib went well today - I was scared there'd be some repurcussions of his 'scare' last night, but no. *shrug* He woke up and was happy to play and was happy when I went in there. So that's good. The next try overnight in the crib will be tomorrow night, as Carla and Dave will be here tonight and I'd like to avoid the overnight hysterics if possible :-/ So we'll put him in his Amby tonight, and hopefully he won't fall out (or stangle himself trying). Then tomorrow night we may just have to try the full transition again. I'm thinking it might go better when he goes in there first, not after a big scare.

John and I are busy planning our vacation to the Maritimes this summer. I can hardly wait!! Grandma and Grandpa are excited to have Landon for a week too I think :-) Even though it'll be busy spraying season ...

And we're just waiting for Carla, Dave and the boys to arrive for the day. They're just back from vacation in Barbados :-)

That's the news from here for today ... think good "Landon don't fall out of the Amby" thoughts for us tonight :-D Take care...TK

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