Thursday, September 07, 2006

6 Month Old Landon!

OMG - it is so hard to believe, but our little munchkin is already 6 months old! aiaiaiai Where has the time gone?!?! We will be sure to take some pics and post here later, we just didn't get any pics taken yet today (surprise surprise!). It seems like yesterday that I was sitting in my rocking chair 23.5 hours a day nursing, and now he's eating cereals twice a day! John and I were watching some of Landon's videos from his first weeks ... he was so small, so cute! I am so glad we took lots of pictures and video ... the videos are the best! Reminds me to keep taking lots now :-)

So now Landon is six months old. He's eating cereals twice a day ... oatmeal in the afternoon, rice in the evening. We'll be trying barley next, on the weekend. He hasn't reacted negatively so far, so that's good. Neither John nor I have allergies, so I don't anticipate Landon will have any problems with food (let's hope!). He's sitting up to play now, doesn't want to be laying down at all! We sometimes lay him in his crib to watch his mobile, but that is fast coming to an end now that all he wants to do is grab his mobile characters and chew on them! He rolls from his tummy to his back, and I think he could roll from his back to his tummy, but every time he gets close he stops himself because he still doesn't like to be on his tummy!!! LOL That might change if he figures out how to skootch himself around on his tummy one day! He will move himself around more now though, especially when on his back he plants his feet and lifts his bum which pushes his head along the floor. So he's losing some of the precious hair he's finally grown back there!! LOL
And he's sleeping in his bed all night long now. It's very nice ... finally mom was ready for him to be in his own room, and he went quite willingly. He's still crying himself to sleep at night (I had to admit that our doing anything to help him get to sleep was only keeping him up longer, so now he goes to bed and we check on him periodically). It's been four nights of me in bed with earplugs in while John listens in case the cries are more than just "I'm f*#($&g mad, come and get me out of here!". It was 1 hour the first night, 40 minutes the next 2, and 35 minutes last night. So hopefully we're getting to the end of this 'training' phase ... Plus we're getting him to bed a bit earlier and he's getting up a bit earlier too, which is good. Last night he was sleeping by 12:30, up today at 11. It doesn't sound early, but it's over an hour earlier than a week ago!! Hopefully by the time Grandma and Grandpa get here we've got his bedtime moved up a bit more, and the crying minimized or completely eliminated at night. That's the only time he cries, so it's really hard to listen to.

We have been taking full advantage of the beautiful fall weather too ... every day Landon plays in his kiddie pool in the backyard. He really enjoys it, and it's been so nice to sit out there. The days are getting shorter, the mornings colder. I do love the fall though, so this isn't too hard to handle. I'm excited for Landon to see his first snow too ... but that can stay away for a month or two still :-P

Well, that's the novella for this afternoon. I will come back and post some 6-month pictures soon. Hope all is well with everyone!! TK

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