Thursday, September 14, 2006

Grandma and Grandpa are coming!

YAY ... Grandma and Grandpa will be here tomorrow afternoon!! I'm very excited to have them come, and of course I'm excited to show Landon off. He's grown so much since they were here in June.

Today was a pretty good day. Landon is eating up a storm, so tomorrow he will get some veggies. I used formula to mix with the cereal today, and he liked that too, so I don't need to panic about having enough milk pumped.

I had a pleasant surprise ... I've been reading Ferber's sleep book. I was not too keen on the idea, as I viewed him as a tyrant who insisted you let your child cry all night so that they learned to fall asleep. Instead, I'm learning even more about sleep than I've learned already (reading every sleep book on the market!!), and his approach isn't nearly as tyrannical as I thought (it's stern, consistent, but not tyrannical). I've learned a lot about my own sleep habits, (which I recognize I've passed on to Landon), and the information he's shared will help me as well as Landon sleep better. So we're moving forward on that front. Last night Landon went to sleep at midnight without any crying YAY!! We got him up at 11 am today. Tonight will hopefully go smoothly again. And maybe in a week or two we'll have his schedule (what Ferber calls his sleep phase) moved up to a more normal hour. That will be wonderful!! I will keep you posted on that. The good news ... we're getting enough sleep now (albeit between midnight at 11 am, but that's pretty usual for me!!). Landon has been waking up only once to eat, and I think once we get this sleep thing figured out a bit more, we'll be able to lose that feeding fairly easily. So I'm pretty optimistic about everything now....there's much less stress which is nice.

Well, that's it for tonight. Hope all is well with you! Take care...TK

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