Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Our room's back together again!

I got our room painting done today ... phew! So it's put back together, complete with our new bedframe from Aunty Margaret. It is definitely brighter!! I'm just glad it's done, painting over that blue was a pain in the buttinski! :-P

We had our follow-up appt with the dr from Landon's cold a few weeks back. The bloodwork came back negative for mono, but positive for CMV (Cytomegalovirus). It's the same viral strain as mono, chicken pox, and herpes. It's surprisingly common for something I'd never heard of before. Apparently most of us are exposed by the time we're 40 (yup, even adults), but we often don't realize we have it because it can be asymptomatic, or appear as a cold. It's true, if Landon was 2 years old, I likely wouldn't have taken him to the doctor, just treated his cold symptoms. So he wouldn't have been diagnosed.
More on CMV: It has symptoms like mono, and will have been the cause of enlarged liver and spleen. Now that Landon's had it, he will always carry the antibodies, so hopefully he won't get sick with it again. We don't know where it came from ... could lie dormant for 3 to 12 weeks, so maybe at the cottage ...? *shrug* Doesn't really matter I guess. Most kids that go to daycare or are exposed to lots of other kids will get it, so I guess Landon is just getting it over with early! In any case, he is healthy now, so I'm not worried about it. I just hope he stays healthy for awhile...I'm tired of viruses affecting our little monkey!

The doctor also recommended that we start Landon on protein foods next, not vegetables and fruit like we'd planned. She said meats (baby food meats) and even hard-boiled egg yolk should be next on the menu!! So we'll give Landon wheat cereal this weekend, and then the following weekend maybe we'll try feeding him an egg yolk. I guess I'll keep the vegetables in the cupboard for a few more weeks...

So that's the big news from here today. Tomorrow should hopefully be a quieter day, I don't think I'll do any more painting this week, instead focusing on getting ready for Grandma and Grandpa's visit. I will get the rest of the painting done next week. My back is sore from our bedroom ... I must be getting old :-P

I hope everyone is having a good week...chat again soon!! TK

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