Monday, September 18, 2006

What a great weekend...

We had a wonderful weekend with Grandma and Grandpa!! Landon didn't make strange at all, which was very nice. And John and I got to go out, by ourselves, for almost 5 hours!!!!! I drank beer (3 -- woke up with a hangover at 4 in the morning LOL). It was good, we had a good time, and now that first 'leaving Landon with a sitter' step has been taken, so the next times should be that much easier! :-D
Landon was a bit fussy the last couple of nights ... don't really know why. Maybe he's got a bit of an upset tummy from eating squash? Maybe he's starting to teeth in earnest? It hasn't disturbed his overnight sleep (thank goodness!!). But we are thinking it could be teething now, as he's chewing on everything so HARD ... much more than before. And his drooling is kicking up a notch as well. So we'll keep an eye on his mouth to see what happens there :-)
I think he's dropping his third nap too, which will be nice to go to 2 naps. We put him down for his 2nd nap at his usual time, and he just wasn't ready to go to sleep. He didn't cry or anything, but just wasn't ready for sleep. So we got him up and he played for another hour. I ended up feeding him before he went to sleep, and he's been sleeping for almost an hour and a half. So maybe it'll be 2 naps / day from now on :-) That will be fine, because maybe he'll even move his bedtime up a little bit? Maybe? We'll see.
We're getting him up at 11 am on the dot now, and he's been going to bed fairly well. Last night it took a bit longer, he was very fussy (teeth? tummy?). But it's been between 12 and 12:30 for the past few nights, with very little crying (YAY). Last night I ended up holding him for a few minutes to calm him down, then he went right to sleep, so only 20 minutes of crying. We'll see what tonight brings with this new nap schedule. I want to give it a few more days to adjust to the new nap schedule (if this is in fact the change), then we'll start getting him up earlier to move his schedule up a bit. Next Tuesday he gets his 6-month shots, so I want to move him up before then (likely to a 10 am wake-up time), and keep him there for a few days so that we know where we're at with the shots. He spiked a good fever last time, so I want to know what to watch for this time.

That's the news for today. It was a good weekend, despite the rain (which is continuing still ... I hope tomorrow is a nicer day!). I caught up on some of my sleep with a nice nap this afternoon :-/ I wonder where Landon gets those sleep habits!! And hopefully this going to bed thing will continue to be not so bad tonight! Will post more soon, along with a couple of pics when I get them uploaded. Hope all is well wherever you are! Take care...TK

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