Tuesday, September 26, 2006

6 month shots...

Landon had his 6 month shots today. What a trooper he was. He didn't even cry at the first needle, then a short little whiny-cry at the second one. The third one though (the nurse said it hurts the most) he really bellered ... but he calmed right down even before the nurse had the band-aid on. What a big boy! I was very proud. Then he nursed and went right to sleep ... such a deep sleep that he didn't even wake up when I put his pants on to leave! LOL But he did wake up when we got outside...
He's doing okay ... no fever yet, but we've given him Tylenol today and I just gave him Motrin when I put him down for the night. Hopefully he won't react this time ... He's whiny as hell though :-/ Oh well *shrug* What can you do?
Other info from the dr appt: Landon's 17 pounds, 10 ounces, 27 1/8" long. He's totally healthy (spleen and liver are back to normal size). All is good, the doctor thinks he's wonderfully cute too! She thinks that he quite likely will get roseola as it's very contagious, but she wasn't at all concerned about it, and thankfully recommended that we still give Landon his immunizations. So we'll probably arrive at Grandma and Grandpa's house with roseola.

That's right! We're making the big trip back to Saskatchewan!! WooHoo!! We are planning to leave here early Sunday morning (hoping to make a good chunk of the trip before Landon wakes up fully). John is going on from there to Calgary, job and house-hunting. I will stay at the farm for the week, and we will likely come back home either Thanksgiving Monday or Tuesday. So get ready .... I'm bringing my baby home to show him off!! :-)

So the rest of this week will be devoted to getting ready for the big road trip! LOL Wish me luck that I don't go insane before we even leave!

On the house front - I got the painting done today. Just have to do the final touch-ups tomorrow and no more painting YAY!

I should get going now, all this painting and doctoring and I'm tired! :-P And I'm still incredibly stiff from volleyball!! Imagine that! I'll post again soon...TK

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