Friday, September 15, 2006

Squash ... yummy!

Well, Landon has tried his first veggies this morning - squash. So far so good. He ate them like a pro. He didn't seem turned off by the taste or anything, so that's a good sign! He'll get squash at lunch time for the next week or so now, so hopefully he keeps on liking them!! Then we'll try another veggie.

I decided to go with veggies versus a protein now because he seems to have more troubles pooping since starting cereals, and the veggies should give him a bit more fiber than meat would. We'll introduce meat in a couple of weeks, once we have a couple of veggies under out belt.

He's been a cute little stinker today ... maybe he's just getting practiced up for when Grandma and Grandpa arrive *shrug* They should be here in about an hour, so we're looking forward to seeing them!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm sure we will. Take care...TK

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