Saturday, September 30, 2006

We're ready, I think...

We're all packed up and ready to hit the road in the morning. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything too important ... heh heh. Most things can always be purchased when we get there. The main thing: I've got diapers! LOL Oh yeah, and food ... that's an important item now that we didn't used to worry about :-/ Lots of food. *sigh*

I'm surprised at how hard it is to find barley cereal with formula. A couple of places carry oatmeal and rice with formula, but I couldn't find barley ... until I wasn't looking for it. I found it today at Shoppers Drug Mart - made me happy. Now all of Landon's cereal have formula in them, so I don't have to use formula to mix them ... much easier. Happy mom.

We had a nice dinner last night with Aunty Margaret (who's celebrating her birthday today! Happy Birthday!). We had pork (we always have pork with Aunty Margaret), nice white wine, and homemade apple pie for dessert. Very yummy! It was nice to spend the evening with her - we don't see her often enough.

Other than that - Landon is adorable. Getting to sleep at night continues to plague us, or rather elude us. Last night he went to sleep at 11:20, only to wake up a midnight and play happily until 2:45. It's lucky for him that he played happily ... aiaiaiai. I just laid on the floor beside him, and he played with my pj strings, he played 'oops dropped my soother, where is it now?' and giggled and laughed. He was very cute, and I hate to admit that I enjoyed watching him play (despite the hour), but I was very glad when he finally went to sleep :-/ Hopefully tonight will be better as we plan to be on the road at 5:30 am.

So that's that for now. I'll post again when we're at the farm hopefully ... let everyone know how the trip went and whatever. Hope all is well where you are...Take care...TK

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