Saturday, September 02, 2006

The feeding frenzy continues...

No wonder Landon was breastfeeding so much the past month ... he's been HUNGRY! LOL He likes oatmeal, had it for the first time this afternoon (3 Tbsp). And still loves rice, ate 7 Tbsp of it tonight. This is all after breastfeeding too, it's not like we're starving him to get him to eat solids or anything! Man oh man. It's fun feeding him this way too, and it's great because it gives John more opportunity to feed him too.
All of this eating, we are definitely noticing that Landon is chubbin' out! Ha ha. He has dimples for elbows and knees, a dimply butt (gets that from his mother), and he's getting a chubby belly too! So cute, we can hardly stand it.

The E-bay shopping has begun again. Landon is starting to truly outgrow his 3 - 6 month clothes, so we're shopping for wintery 6 - 12 month stuff. Fun Fun Fun!! Gotta love e-bay!! I bought some outfits today, and some sleepers. I'm trying to control myself, but it's all so damned cute! *sigh* I keep telling myself to take it slow, to savour the shopping fun, stretch it out so that it lasts longer!

And Grandma is making plans to come up for a visit. She's planning to come for the weekend of Sept 16, she will babysit while John and I actually go out somewhere, together, without Landon, with other adults!! LOL It's about time! :-D That is the night of my softball social, so we'll go for dinner at least. How late we stay depends on Landon's night-time 'schedule' at that time. It'll just be nice to go out for dinner at least! Hopefully Grandpa will make the trip too ... Landon has grown so much since they were here in June, and he's in need of a good grandparent-spoiling (after all, it's been 2 weeks since he's seen a grandparent!).

That's the news from here. The face is healing well. My nose is itchy (healing), so it's driving me nuts! And the bruises are now turning that beautiful yellow-green colour ... sweeeeeeeet! Ah well, live and learn I guess. Until next time, take care....TK

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