Friday, September 22, 2006

Sleeping Angel...

Ok, if all nights could be like last night ... *sigh*. Landon went to sleep at 11 (YES 11:00 PM!!). No crying, no fussing. I put him into bed, he went to sleep. Done. He woke up at 4:30 am, ate, and went back to bed. Until 11:00 am. 12 hours of glorious sleeping Landon-baby!! Very nice. Now we do recognize that he was crazy tired from stupid crying the previous 3 nights, and we don't expect that he'll do that every night, but to have done it last night was just wonderful!!
We'll see what happens tonight. He's only taken 2 short naps today ... he may need to get that third one in there, and that will push bedtime back a bit. But we'll deal with that when it comes...

We went to the mall today, bought a toque and mitts forLandon :-) I couldn't believe how many places were already sold out! But The Children's Place had some left, so we got 'em. :-) All of the clothes are so cute, but I had to restrain myself as I already went nuts on ebay (that's in addition to all of the wonderful hand-me-downs we've already received from Thomson and Kyle!!) and there's absolutely no room in his drawers for more clothes!! LOL

And EAT! Man this kid can eat. He still breastfeeds 4 - 5 times a day, and once overnight (I don't plan to quit that anytime soon). It's the cereals and veggies that he packs away as well...aiaiaiai. Today, 4 Tbsp of squash, and 10 (yes, 10) Tbsp of cereal! PIGGIE!! LOL And I stop feeding him when he's had 3 or 4 Tbsp at a sitting, he'd keep eating if I kept on feeding him! And I always feed his cereal / veggies after breastfeeding, so he's taking in quite a bit of food at one shot. Man oh man ... we'll have him eating steak in about 3 weeks at this rate!!

That's the news from here for today. Landon is right now enjoying his jolly-jumper ... he's spinning in circles because he's trying to look at the the harness. Too funny!! Yesterday I swung him slightly in the jumper ... he lifted his knees right up and giggled the entire time. Something about this worries me ... like maybe he'll be swinging from the chandelier by the time he's 1 year old?!?!?!?! hmmmmmm

Hope all is well wherever you are....take care and I'll post again soon!! TK

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