Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday news...

Things are going well with us these days. Landon is as cute as can be ... he's starting making some new sounds, like 'dadadadadadada'. And he's still squealing away whenever he's excited, which seems to be most of the time he's awake. And especially when he's in the jolly jumper! He's making lots of razberries too, wherever and whenever he can. On his hands, on our hands, on our shoulders, cheeks, chins ... Little goofball!
I started today to give him cereal three times a day, feeding him a bit when we first get up, then in the afternoon and in the evening still. He's eating barley, likes it a bit better than oatmeal, but nothing is as good as the rice so far. I'm looking forward to introducing some veggies, but we'll get through wheat cereal later this week first I guess. Then the fun stuff!!
I started getting our room ready for painting. Filled the nail holes, etc this afternoon, and sanded the wall with faux painting on it. It will be done a nice off-white, something I likely should've done when we first moved in!! But I guess I'll do it now that we're planning to move out :-/ Landon had a 3 hour nap this afternoon so I was able to spend that time working on the bedroom. Tomorrow morning I'll get up and prime it, and then paint it in the afternoon, and hopefully we'll only spend one night sleeping in the living room!! lol Then I'll move on to the faux wall in the dining room, living room, and the stenciling in the kitchen. Then the painting will be done! :-D I'll be very glad to put that project behind me.
And we're getting estimators in this week for the kitchen flooring and counter-tops. Those should both be done within the next few weeks, which will also be very nice. Then I think we'll be ready to put the house up for sale :-D YAY
That's about it for news here. Landon is just as adorable as ever. Except when it's time to go to sleep. This crying-it-out bullshit is becoming very annoying ... one week and he's still crying for 40 - 45 minutes or more each night. He is nothing if not persistent. Hopefully it will end soon, and we can all relax to go to sleep at the end of the day. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Once he's asleep he is sleeping really well. Night before last he slept from 12:30 until 11 am ... no waking up to eat at all in there!! Last night he woke up three times, I fed him twice. So it's definitely still up and down. But when he slept all night long he missed a full feeding as we didn't make it up yesterday, so perhaps that contributed to a poorer night last night? Who knows...but it was nice to have him sleep that long. We'll see if we can get a few more nights like that!!

Ok ... so I'm outta' here for now. Going to sand my patch-jobs. Hope all is well with everyone!! Take care...TK

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