Thursday, September 07, 2006

pooper pants!

Here we were kind of worried as Landon hadn't poo'd since Sunday. Well he definitely made up for it today ... with no less than 4 poops, 2 BIG ones, and man do they stink now that he's eating cereals. aiaiaiaiai *gag* But at least we know everything's working down there, and if this is the normal course of things, we'll be thankful for the poopless days and deal with the poopful ones as they come! LOL
Tomorrow we're going to start barley cereal, see how he likes that one. He prefers the rice, but he doesn't refuse the oatmeal either so that's good. I'm so excited for him to start vegetables that I bought a bunch today :-) We will likely start some veggies late next week, assuming no adverse reactions from the barley.

We took some family pics today, will post those in the next day or so once they're uploaded on the computer.
I've been busy e-baying these past days, but I think I've got enough clothes for Landon now so I'm not buying any more until these parcels arrive. Once they're here, if I need more I will go back to buy more. It's just so hard to stop once I start! LOL

That's the news tidbit for tonight. Until next time...TK

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