Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Landon's world today...

Well, Landon was a bit feverish last night, and extremely fussy. The Motrin likely helped him feel a bit better, but he did struggle to get to sleep. He slept for about 30 minutes from 11:30 to midnight, then he was up for quite awhile, and miserable. Finally I put him in his crib with the aquarium light going, which he watched for quite awhile, and he was quite happy in there -- playing with his feet, 'talking' and laughing. I fell asleep shortly after 1, Landon woke me up about 1:40 fussing because I think he was ready for bed but doesn't realize he could just fall asleep in his crib ... He cried and was a moron until I nursed him, then he calmed right down. I snuggled with him in the recliner and we both fell asleep. I put him into his bed shortly after 2 and went to get some quality sleep myself! He did wake up again about 6:30, but I was able to nurse him and he went right back to bed. By then the Motrin was likely worn off, so he probably felt crappy again. He seems okay today though - the fever is gone and he's napping like a star right now. So maybe that will be the end of the fever, and hopefully the fussiness will disappear too.....

I got the painting touch-ups done today ... and put the painting supplies away. YAY I like painting, and I like getting it done even better :-)

Now it's full-fledged 'getting ready to travel' mode for me ... I'll be going shopping to get baby food, diapers, etc today. Clothes washing comes next...etc, etc. I'm excited, and I hope that Landon travels and sleeps well. The more I think about it, we'll have to be creative with the sleeping situation ... Landon whines and stuff during the night, but doesn't necessarily wake up. If he sees me or anything then he does wake up and it's a struggle to get him back to sleep (if it's early in the night). So I may end up sleeping on the couch, or we'll have to put Landon in the computer room ... poor kid, in the 'office' to sleep! But I'm afraid if we don't neither of us will get much sleep. *sigh* we'll see, I'm sure it will all work out ... I'm just used to sleeping in my 'own' room now, so I don't look forward to sharing with Landon again!! LOL

Anyways, I hear the little monkey waking up now, so I'll go get him. I will maybe post again later, and I should have some pics to post again soon!! take care...TK

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