Thursday, September 21, 2006

Me no like chicken...

We tried giving Landon some chicken today ... to start him on some protein foods... Didn't go over too well!! LOL He screwed up his face, made gagging sounds, his eyes were watering! It was funny as hell, for me not for him! So I tried putting a very very small amount on a spoonful of rice cereal ... he could tell! So no more chicken for awhile. I froze the rest of the jar and we'll try again in a month or so.
I gave him some squash again though ... I had not given him any for the past few days to see if he was having tummy troubles (which were causing him to cry forever at night instead of going to sleep). He's still crying for hours to go to sleep, so I figured I'd give him squash anyways. The menu of cereal-cereal-cereal had to be getting boring! He likes the squash, no doubt about that. Next on the menu -- sweet potatoes. I had Landon pick what was next by putting the jars in front of him, and the one he gravitated towards was sweet potatoes. So we'll give that a whirl in a couple of days. For now, it's cereal-squash-cereal-squash-cereal......and repeat.

Nighttimes are still a struggle. I've been trying to follow Ferber ... putting Landon down a bit later than he usually goes to bed so that he'll fall asleep easier. That is not working for us. He just gets too tired to calm himself down and fall asleep. Last night was 3:30 in the morning before he fell asleep, in my arms. He hasn't had to do that for weeks!!! So it's a regression, not progression. We're still getting him up at 11 am every morning, to 'reset' his daily clock (at least he gets up at the same time every day!!). Tonight I'm going to try to get him down earlier...I'm not 'keeping him up' any more. And I'll do whatever it takes to get him down ... I'm done with the whole cry-it-out for hours on end ... not for us!!!!
So we'll keep trying and trying ... one of these days we'll get it right. We had it right twice last week ... when Landon went down with very little crying at midnight. Hopefully soon we'll figure out the 'right' bedtime routine so that he's calm enough when we put him to bed to actually go to sleep. These days he's just tired and gets overtired easily, so it's extra touchy at night. But at least he is still a happy little monkey, and he's darned cute too!

So, I'll upload a few pics for you too, just because he's adorable. enjoy and I'll post again soon...TK

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