Monday, September 25, 2006

Painting ... again...

Today I finally got started painting out the faux stuff in our house, in the dining room, living room and kitchen. There isn't much there, but I got it all primered today. I kept putting it off as I'm pretty stiff from volleyball practise, but I knew I'd better get to it or it'd never get done.

Landon's doing well. Last night he went to sleep at 11:40, then woke up at 12:10 and we thought 'uh oh, it's gonna' be a late one'. But we just left him in his bed (he was bouncing and whining, but not crying ... I checked on him once, he was fine) for about 20 minutes, and he got himself back to sleep! YAY Landon. And slept until 11 am ! Double YAY YAY Landon!! So I think (hope) we're making some progress (knock on wood!!). He went down again tonight at 11:30, so we'll see how tonight goes.
I will have to get him up a bit early tomorrow to get him to his doctor's appointment at 11 am. I think I will just put him straight into the car from bed at 10:30, and let him 'wake up' on the drive. That way it won't be quite such a shocker, and maybe we'll be able to salvage a bit of this (dare I call it) routine. I'll just change him and stuff at the dr office when they weigh him. Watch ... he'll have a big dump in the morning or something...heh heh. I hope he doesn't react too badly to the vaccines this time.
Karen let us know that Nathan does in fact have infantum roseola ... so we'll see if Landon gets it. I've been checking him for fever and he hasn't had one. It's supposed to be contagious only when the child has a fever, and we weren't around Nathan when he was feverish, so I'm hoping Landon won't get this one. Just once it'd be nice if Landon didn't get 'it' (whatever it happens to be at the time). Of course, roseola isn't a serious illness, so if he gets it so be it. I just hope that we won't have to delay the shots because of this exposure :-/ We'll see.

We had a wonderful visit with Trish tonight too ... we haven't seen her all summer so it was great to have her over for awhile. Landon really likes her too - didn't make strange at all :-) And he put on a couple of flirty-faces, complete with one-eyebrow-lifts, just for Trish!! LOL

That's the kind of day it was here ... tomorrow to the dr, then hopefully I'll get the painting finished and that'll be done. Flooring guys are here on Friday! YAY. Then only countertops to be done. Phew...

Hope you're all well. Take care...TK

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