Saturday, September 23, 2006

yummy sweet potatoes...

Landon likes sweet potatoes too! He gobbled them right up this afternoon LOL So now he's an orange-veggie lover ... squash and sweet potatoes. I'll maybe have to try something green next, see if he likes that. That's for next week, after his 6 month shots.
Shots on Tuesday morning :-( I don't like the thought of that, but I guess it's for his own good in the long run. I hope he doesn't react as much this time ... he had quite a fever after the 4 month shots. We'll see.

Sleeping - he keeps changing it up, but we're getting used to that!! Last night he had a late third nap, falling asleep at 10:15 after his bath. There was no keeping him up, he fell asleep while I was burping him!! He woke at 11, and played and cooed and talked, quite happily, until after 1. When it was time to go to sleep, he lay nice and quiet in my arms and went to sleep. I liked that -- he can do that anytime! The best news though --> he slept through until 11 am. He was awake when I went in to get him, but not crying or anything ... just waiting for us to come and get him I guess :-) Little stinker.

This afternoon John and I cleaned up the yard a bit -- it was nice to get some trees pruned and our poor neglected garden tended to!! Landon was so cute - I sat him on his blanket outside with a few toys. He ignored the toys, just sitting there watching the trees and us work and whatever was around. He sat there for almost 2 hours!! Then I sat with him in the grass, and he pulled and pulled at the grass ... it must've felt pretty neat, all cool. What a sweetheart.

And Landon listened to John playing guitar today, with the headphones on (really quietly). It was pretty cute -> he sure loves guitar. I took a couple of pics with the webcam, I'll post them soon. I have to run now, as Landon's done his bath, and it's time I took him up and got him ready for bed.

until next time...TK

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