Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday news..

Not much news this Sunday, really. Life keeps on going by, and we're loving it. Last night Landon only woke up once to eat!! Unbelievable!! So I'm feeling pretty darned good today - albeit a bit 'full' ;-) And the fibrous wonders of oatmeal are kicking in, so we're getting our first FULL doses of 'solids poops' ... *Sigh* Gone are the days of the sweet-smelling waste from a breastfed baby. But I think we can live with it, since he's so much happier and is sleeping so much better. It's a small price to pay, really!

We are having some friends over for dinner today, so we are in the midst of preparing for that. It's nice to have something finally prod us to clean the house up a bit ... heh heh. It's not that dirty, just full of baby stuff EVERYWHERE!! So for about 2 hours we'll clean up the clutter, and then I'm sure it'll go right back to how it was. Oh well...

For those curious about our 'go to bed at night-time' battles (I've been avoiding writing about them, for fear people accuse me of being obsessional): Landon's still up stupid late, but sleeps late too (like me!). Overall he sleeps between 9.5 and 11 hours at night, getting up twice to eat (last night only once). The best news: he's sleeping in his own bed in his own room all night long. I pull him into bed to eat, but put him back into his own bed when he's done. Last night he was even awake when I put him back in his own bed, and he went to sleep. And sometimes he'll even go to bed at night awake and fall asleep on his own (assuming he's not overtired). Those are the good nights, even if that bedtime is 1:30 or 2 am!
Naps are wonderful, he has 3, sometimes 4. If we don't let him nap, he gets over-tired and won't go to sleep at night (cry-it-out ... don't think so ... not when we know he can keep it up for at least 1.5 hours!!). And for everyone thinking "well don't let him nap as much during the day and he'll go to bed earlier at night", that doesn't work for Landon. Believe me, we've tried, several times, with disastrous results (see cry-it-out note above)! So we're working on shifting his schedule, getting up earlier in the morning, so that he'll be ready for bed earlier at night. I'm a proponent of gradual shifting ... we'll try that first. If not, then it will be 'the rude awakening' where we'll just get him up early in the morning and deal with grumpy, overtired, miserable Landon. I hope the gradual thing will work - much easier on all of us, even if it does take longer. We've got nothing but time ... what do I care? I can sleep in in the mornings right beside him :-P

So that's the news and the sleep update. It's a beautiful day, great day for a B-B-Q with some friends. Hope you're all enjoying your long weekend!! Take care...TK

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