Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'll be sore tomorrow...

Today I went to volleyball practise ... I can already tell that I'll be stiff and sore tomorrow!! aiaiaiai Went to Liz's to watch the Bomber game after that, and it was all fun!! It was nice to go out for most of the day ... without Landon (as awful as that might sound). Practise was at 10, so I left before Landon was up, and got home about 4. I had lots of pumped milk for him, and so John could give him bottles and cereals all day. It was fun. But when I got home I was very relieved to breastfeed Landon again!! LOL
Good football day too as the RoughRiders won as well!! :-)

Got a call today from a mom from mommy's group last week ... it seems everyone and their kids have gotten sick since last Tuesday / Wednesday (Tuesday was a birthday party that I didn't go to, but I went to mommy's group on Wed night). Now Nathan (her little man ... we shared the hospital room with them) has little pink spots on his body too :-/ They think it could be infant roseola ... very common. It is also of the same viral strain as CMV, chicken pox, etc ... so perhaps Landon is actually immune??!?? Could that be?!?!? What I've read about it (just a quick google search) is that it's only contagious when the child has the fever (that occurs just before the pink rash), and no one was feverish on Wed night, so maybe we'll actually get to avoid this 'illness'. In any case, most kids, again, get this virus before they're 2 years old ... it's very common, causing nothing more than a fever for a day or two, and a minor rash. So if we get it, we get it, if we don't, that's good!
As long as what Nathan has is in fact this roseola.....Adults don't get it, so there must've been another bug flowing around that the adults weren't feeling well either.... hmmmmm But both John and I feel fine, and Landon hasn't displayed any symptoms at all, so maybe we'll be good.

So, that's the news for today. I think I've recovered from my football beers, and John's recovering from his squash game with Wes, and hopefully Landon will go to sleep well tonight! Last night I nursed him to sleep at 12:30, he slept until John woke him at 11 am. Another night slept through ... they're becoming more common now, that's for sure. I'm not holding my breath, nor expecting it every night, but when it happens we sure enjoy it :-)

until next time....TK

PS -- Nikki, I fixed the speeling mitskaes!! LOL

1 comment:

niknac said...

LOL I don't think the beers had completely wore off when you posted take another look at it a few spelling mistakes from someone who doesn't make them. Glad you had a good day.