Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We're goin' out for dinner ...

YAY - John and I are actually going out for dinner ... how exciting!! John's friend Wes is visiting and will stay with Landon. I am sooo looking forward to it.

The past few days have been good ... not much happening. Landon enjoyed swimming today - it was aquasize day. He played in the 'boat' (floatation device so that I can exercise), and loved the hottub as usual. He even let me hold him to a front float (without his face in the water of course), and a back float, although not for too long. Hopefully he'll be okay for swimming lesson on Sat.
Landon has continued to go to sleep late at night. I think it's because he can play in his crib, so we put him in there and he can keep himself up later. In the Amby there was nothing to do but sleep or bounce (which put him to sleep), but in the crib he can play, jump, roll around, you name it and he's doing it. So he's not the happiest camper in the mornings...But I'll just keep getting him up (even though it's so hard because I know how little I want to wake up in the mornings ... I don't know where he gets these sleep habits from!), and he'll just have to figure out to go to sleep earlier *shrug* All in all, it's not a bad problem to have, I still put him in the crib at a decent time, he plays happily and quietly until he's tired enough to go to sleep. And last night he didn't even cry when he went to sleep ... the first time even in the crib by himself without crying. So that's good.

It is stupid-super windy here today ... there is so much dust in the air. Yuck! At times we can't even see the houses across the park behind the house (for those that have been here, you will understand what I mean). The dust is from the construction of a highway north of us, and there's ALOT of it. yuck! Hopefully the wind will go away soon.

That's the news thus far. I'm going to go and get ready for dinner :-D Hope all is well with everyone! Until next time...TK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow I hope you enjoyed your meal and did not talk about the child lol